Eva Pomroy, known as Auntie Eva, to Outrigger Canoe Club members, was a much-beloved long-time employee, who greeted members and guests at the Front Desk in the old Club in Waikiki. She chaperoned the girls when they traveled to the Neighbor Islands to paddle, kept the boys in line, knew who was sneaking into the Club, and had a hug for anyone who needed it. She was voted an honorary membership in the Club when she retired.
Auntie Eva was part-Hawaiian, and spoke the Hawaiian language. She served as the Club’s cultural expert and was often asked to give the blessing for a new canoe, for the paddlers before a race, or for a special event.
A collection of Auntie Eva’s blessings was found in the Club’s historical archives. They remind us for a time when prayers and blessings occurred before every canoe race and when Outrigger Canoe Club had the dominant canoe racing program in Hawaii.
We share some of Auntie Eva’s blessings.