The Outrigger Canoe Club Historical Committee has been collecting Club memorabilia since the 1940s. The collection outgrew the space available at the Clubhouse and now resides in an air conditioned, humidity-controlled locker in a nearby self-storage unit. Since 2015 the committee has been digitizing the collection, making much of the material available on this website. This is an on-going process with volunteers working as time permits.
The committee welcomes the donation of Club memorabilia to add to its collection. You can contact us at
E-files are available for some items in the inventory. Find the symbol of the item you are interested in and then click on the link below:
* OCC Photo Archive
# WaiWai Collection (Trophies & Na Mea)
$ Oral History Collection
@ Winged “O” Histories
& Outrigger Magazines
% Scrapbooks
+ OCC Song
BRTC Board Room Trophy Case
BusOff Business Office
DR Duke Room
HT Hau Terrace
KMB Ka Mo’i Boathouse
KL Koa Lanai
LTC Lobby Trophy Case
MgrOff Manager’s Office
SL 25 Storage Locker 25
SL 26 Storage Locker 26