1935-01-10 HSB Swim Meet to be Over Period of 4 Weeks
1935-01-30 HA Hui Makani Withdraws
1935-01-31 HA University Going Ahead With Plans to Hold Aquafest p1
1935-01-31 HA University Going Ahead with Aquafest p2
1935-01-31 HSB Indoor Swim Dates Are Set
1935-02-14 HA Full of Pep for Big Paddling Race Sunday
1935-02-14 HA Outrigger Canoe Races Planned for Waikiki Sunday Afternoon
1935-02-16 HSB Outrigger Canoe Race Tomorrow
1935-02-28 HSB Rescue Work Conducted by Itascas Men
1935-03-02 HA Cliff Melim Offers Prizes for 50-Dash on AAU Program
1935-03-04 HA Sailing Races at Waikiki Thrill Big Gallery on Shore
1935-03-04 HSB Canoe Sailing Race is Won by Pua Alii
1935-03-05 HA Canoeists Finesse Paddles for Sails for Sabbath Race
1935-03-05 HA Outrigger Club Appeals for Two and Three Paddle Canoes
1935-03-10 HA Canoe Sailing Races on Tap in Afternoon
1935-03-19 HA Scenes From Sailing Races Sunday at Waikiki Beach
1935-03-23 HSB Outrigger Makes Plans for Volleyball Outfits
1935-03-25 HA Outrigger Canoe Club Makes Plans for Volleyball
1935-03-31 HA Outrigger Canoe Club Prexy to General Staff School
1935=04-13 HSB Head of Canoe Club to Leave Here April 26
1935-04-03 HA Swim Trials This Evening in UH Tank p1
1935-04-03 HA Swim Trials This Evening in UH Tank p2
1935-04-03 HSB Indoor Title Swim Trials for Tonight p1
1935-04-03 HSB Indoor Title Swim Trials for Tonight p2
1935-04-06 HA Final Event Gives Rainbows Edge in Indoor Compet p1
1935-04-06 HA Final Event Gives Rainbows Edge in Indoor Compet p2
1935-04-06 HSB University Leads 40 and 8 at End of First Swimfest p1
1935-04-06 HSB University Leads 40 and 8 at End of First Swimfest p2
1935-04-11 HA Close Races Feature of Swim Trials p1
1935-04-11 HA Close Races Feature of Swim Trials p2
1935-04-11 HSB Keen Races on Tap Tomorrow in Swim Meet p1
1935-04-11 HSB Keen Races on Tap Tomorrow in Swim Meet p2
1935-04-13 HA Close Races Seen in Second Indoor Championship Meet p1
1935-04-13 HA Close Races Seen in Second Indoor Championship Meet p2
1935-04-13 HSB Deans Ahead by 11 Points in Two Meets p1
1935-04-13 HSB Deans Ahead by 11 Points in Two Meets p2
1935-04-13 HSB Special Race Added to AAU Track Menu
1935-04-16 HA Third Indoor Title Meet Finals Slated for Tomorrow Nite
1935-04-16 HSB Good Races in Trials of 3rd Indoor Splash
1935-04-18 HSB Crown Seven Champions in Third Splash p1
1935-04-18 HSB Crown Seven Champions in Third Splash p2
1935-04-19 HSB Opening VB Tilts Listed May 6 at Central Y
1935-04-25 HA University Annexes Indoor Swimming Meet Championship
1935-04-25 HSB Dean Mermen Grab Indoor Swim Honors
1935-05-01 HA Outrigger Club to Stage Water Events p1
1935-05-01 HA Outrigger Club to Stage Water Events p2
1935-05-01 HSB Night Surfing Spectacle to Be Held Soon
1935-05-02 HSB Best Vollists to Show Stuff in 35 Series
1935-05-03 HA One Swim Compet Monthly With Major Event is Aim of the AAU
1935-05-04 HSB Two Articles Tell of Isles
1935-05-07 HSB Two Hummers on Tap, All Clubs Strong
1935-05-08 HSB Outrigger and Deans Beaten in Hot Tilts
1935-05-10 HSB Swimmers to Enter Events Memoria Day
1935-05-10 HSB Two Senior Slam Tilts for Tonight
1935-05-14 HA Outrigger, Moana Offer Special Rates to Navy
1935-05-14 HSB Aloha Beat Outrigger
1935-05-14 HSB Outrigger and Amateurs Play This Evening
1935-05-15 HA Koa Canoes Take Shape in Kona
1935-05-18 HSB Alohas Defeat Palama Sextet in Big Game
1935-05-21 HSB Sr Vollists Play Tonight
1935-05-22 HSB Amateurs Win Initial Round
1935-05-22 HSB Star Bulletin Swims at Natatorium on May 30
1935-05-23 Waikiki Night Spectacle Planned for Fleet Visitors
1935-05-28 HA Night Surfriding Show Thursday
1935-05-29 Enlisted Men of the Fleet Enjoy Swimming Party
1935-05-29 HA 200 Sailors Feted by Outrigger Club
1935-05-29 HA Night Surf Show Ready p1
1935-05-29 HA Night Surf Show Ready p2
1935-05-30 HA Searchlight Surf Exhibit 930 Tonight
1935-05-31 HA Hui Makani Swim Star Is Winner
1935-05-31 HA Night Spectacle Thrills Waikiki
1935-05-31 HA Surfing on Lighted Waves Is Colorful Aloha to Fleet
1935-05-31 HSB Thousands See Surfers on Lighted Seas at Waikiki
1935-06-03 HSB Round Two of Volley Loop Opens Tonight
1935-06-04 HA Paddling Supremacy To Be Decided at Kailua This Year
1935-06-04 HSB Outriggers Upset Pals in Slamfest p2
1935-06-04 Outriggers Upset Pals in Slamfest p1
1935-06-07 HSB Sr Vollists Tilts Tonight
1935-06-08 HA Big Boost for Swimming as Coaches Plan Meets
1935-06-10 HA Outriggers Win Baseball Tilt 3-2
1935-06-10 HSB Next Sr Volley Battles Friday
1935-06-11 HSB Outrigger Gets Best of Baseball Rivals
1935-06-12 HA Beach Pest Eradication Started by Waikiki Patrol p1
1935-06-12 HA Beach Pest Eradication Started by Waikiki Patrol p2
1935-06-14 HA Coach Center Issues Call for Kona Race Aspirants p1
1935-06-14 HA Coach Center Issues Call for Kona Race Aspirants p2
1935-06-15 HSB Aloha Amateur and Outrigger Win Slamfests
1935-06-16 HA Kona Crews Called Today p1
1935-06-16 HA Kona Crews Called Today p2
1935-06-17 HA Dad Center Has 30 for Places on Crews
1935-06-17 HA Theyll Try for Places in the Kona Races
1935-06-18 HA Alohas Win Volley Tilt
1935-06-18 HSB Alohas Near Volley Title in Sr League
1935-06-21 HSB No Sr Volley Battles Tonight
1935-06-22 HSB Outrigger Canoe Racers Training
1935-06-23 HA Alohas Play Outriggers
1935-06-24 HSB May Determine Senior Volley Title Tonight
1935-06-25 HA Alohas Win Volleyball Loop Title p1
1935-06-25 HSB Alohas Annex Fourth Volley League Title p1
1935-06-225 HA Alohas Annex Fourth Volley League Title p2
1935-07-01 HSB Inter Club Loop in Softball Will Be Formed Today
1935-07-02 HA Sally Hale Calls on Mystic Power of Ancient Kauna to Bring Big Surf
1935-07-02 HSB Eight Softball Teams in Inter Club Loop
1935-07-06 HSB You’re Looking at the Tourist Center of the Pacific
1935-07-09 HSB Hoonaunau and Normandie Added to Canoe Fleet
1935-07-09 HSB Thomas Sedgwick in Seattle Position
1935-07-13 HSB Outrigger Is Popular Club
1935-07-16 HA Local Paddlers to Show in 6 Races in Honolulu Harbor
1935-07-16 HSB Practice Canoe Paddling Races Planned Aug 4
1935-07-17 HA Outrigger Canoes in Local Regatta
1935-07-20 HA Canoe Enthusiasts to Meet Today on Plans for Regatta p1
1935-07-20 HA Kona Paddlers Busy Training
1935-07-20 HA Stream-Lined Canoe Challenge to Waikiki
1935-07-21 HA Streamlining Outrigger Canoes
1935-07-24 HA Big Island Paddlers Are Busy Training
1935-07-24 HA Itasca Will Carry Canoe Racing Crews p1
1935-07-24 HA Itasca Will Carry Canoe Racing Crews p2
1935-07-25 HA Coast Guard to Transport 80 Paddlers to Honolulu
1935-07-26 Kamaaina Dance July 27
1935-07-28 HA Royal Welcome for Visitors to Canoe Races p1
1935-07-28 HA Royal Welcome for Visitors to Canoe Races p2
1935-07-30 HA Canoe Enthusiasts to Meet Today on Plans for Regatta p2
1935-07-31 HA Course for Eliminational Canoe Race Sunday
1935-07-31 HA Final Arrangements Made for Canoe Regatta Sunday p1
1935-07-31 HA Final Arrangements Made for Canoe Regatta Sunday p2
1935-08-01 HA Queens Surfers to Train in Their New Canoe Today p1
1935-08-01 HA Queens Surfers to Train in Their New Canoe Today p2
1935-08-02 HA Confident Paddlers Finish Training for Sunday Races p1
1935-08-02 HA Confident Paddlers Finish Training for Sunday Races p2
1935-08-02 HA New Racing Canoe in Maiden Workout
1935-08-03 HA Husky Paddlers Ready to Go in Race Tomorrow
1935-08-03 HA Outrigger Lineup is Still Unsettled as Regatta Nears p1
1935-08-03 HA Outrigger Lineup Is Still Unsettled as Regatta Nears p2
1935-08-03 HSB Six Events in Harbor Sunday
1935-08-04 HA Crack Waikiki Crews Evenly Matched for Todays Regatta p1
1935-08-04 HA Crack Waikiki Crews Evenly Matched for Todays Regatta p2
1935-08-04 HA Digging In For Todays Harbor Races Photo
1935-08-05 HA Crews Make History in Honolulu Harbor Photos
1935-08-05 HA Hui Nalu Paddlers Capture Honolulu Canoe Race p1
1935-08-05 HA Hui Nalu Paddlers Capture Honolulu Canoe Race p2
1935-08-05 HA Hui Nalu Paddlers Capture Honolulu Canoe Race p3
1935-08-05 HA Hui Nalus Great Moment in Thrilling Canoe Races Photo
1935-08-05 HSB Hui Nalus Cop Canoe Honors p1
1935-08-05 HSB Hui Nalus Cop Canoe Honors p2
1935-08-06 HA New Canoe Offered as Prize to Victorious Crew at Kona p1
1935-08-06 HA New Canoe Offered as Prize to Victorious Crew at Kona p2
1935-08-06 HSB Aftermath of Canoe Races
1935-08-10 HA All Honolulu Crews Given Invitation to Kona Races
1935-08-11 HA Yates Predicts Kona Races Will Provide Close Contests p1
1935-08-11 HA Yates Predicts Kona Races Will Provide Close Contests p2
1935-08-13 HA How Waikiki Will Be Assessed
1935-08-14 HA Kona Crews Are Confident They Will Capture Races
1935-08-15 HA Yates Announces Lineups of Crews for Kona Races p1
1935-08-15 HA Yates Announces Lineups of Crews for Kona Races p2
1935-08-16 HA Annual Pre-Regatta Dance Is Scheduled for Tonigh p1
1935-08-16 HA Annual Pre-Regatta Dance Is Scheduled for Tonight p2
1935-08-16 HSB Dance Tonight at the Beach
1935-08-18 HA The Kona Races p1
1935-08-18 HA The Kona Races p2
1935-08-20 HA Hui Nalu Senior Crew Slips Off to Kona Coast to Train
1935-08-21 HSB Depart Friday on the Itasca
1935-08-21 HSB Last of Oahu Crews Sailing on the Itasca
1935-08-22 HA Waikikis Crew Contingent Off to Kona This Afternoon p1
1935-08-22 HA Waikikis Crew Contingent OFf to Kona This Afternoon p2
1935-08-22 HSB 85 Paddlers in the Party
1935-08-23 HA Outrigger Crews of Waikiki Leave on Itasca for Kona
1935-08-23 HSB Outrigger Girl Paddlers
1935-08-23 HSB Outrigger Junior 4 Sally Hale, H Van Orden, Fred Hemmings, F Jacobsen
1935-08-24 HA Kona Is Invaded p1
1935-08-24 HA Kailua Is Invaded p2
1935-08-24 HA Kona Races Today Draw Huge Crowd
1935-08-24 HSB Historic Kailua Bay Is Scene of Canoe Regatta
1935-08-24 HSB Kona Regatta is Walkaway for Honaunau p1
1935-08-24 HSB Kona Regatta is Walkaway for Honaunau p2
1935-08-25 HA Canoe Race Honors Won by Honaunau p1
1935-08-25 HA Canoe Race Honors Won by Honaunau p2
1935-08-25 HA How Paddlers Came Over the Line
1935-08-25 HA Senior Mens Race Photo
1935-09-03 HSB Labor Day at Outrigger
1935-09-07 HA Kona Does Not Favor Two Races
1935–11-01 HSB Winter Caravan Dance
1935-11-07 HA Pressure of Work Forces Duke to Decline Invitation
1935-11-07 HSB Duke Unable to Go to Australia
1935-11-19 HSB Swim Entries Close Nov 25
1935–11-28 HA Thanksgiving Day Outdoor Swims Today
1935-11-29 HA Nakamura Triumphs in Open Water Swim
1935-11-29 HSB Deans Win in Waikiki Swims
1935-12-24 HSB Christmas Eve and New Years Eve Dances